King Dream
Few bands exhibit as much joy playing their music as King Dream. As the sound bubbles toward the brim and starts popping out over the sides, each player starts rumbling in anticipation of what is about to happen: We get to play. We get to do what we’ve always wanted to do. It’s this pure and celebratory emotion that propels each swell, each glorious guitar riff, each harmonic crescendo which embodies the band’s unabashed embracing of life. Such enthusiasm doesn’t translate into some fairytale or naiveté. Instead, it sweeps up the struggle and pain and uncertainty that we all face and casts a shimmering light on that which is difficult as well. Their creation melds the dreamworld with the physical and demonstrates that one informs the other, that both are real and necessary. At a show the audience might get to enter their particular dream, but it’s a dream made to be shared, to be expanded, to be applied again and again. As true ambassadors of music, they draw on those who’ve come before them and are fantastic supporters of their peers dedicated to the same trade. Tireless, selfless, and infinitely loyal to the treasured lineage of rock n roll, King Dream is the rock band our world needs as we head into the wild unknown.
The Turkey Buzzards
The Seven Sisters, Montana de Oro, Pirates Cove, and the Turkey Buzzards…such are the indisputable treasures of SLO County. Few are as tied to their craft as this duo, the torch bearers of the Prines and Foleys before them who travel the land speaking and living the truths that remain integral to this shared human experiment. Forever unstitched from time, they turn the old into new and the new into old, digging their roots into the depths of that which sustains us. They are the troubadours of what John Craigie calls the second oldest profession, speaking clearly to those who’ve long known and loved them as well as to the unexpectant passersby suddenly taken in by their sound. On the road they are a needed tonic, while at home, we adore them. We cheer for them and revere them and are just so proud to call them our own. They were the very first to believe in us, and as they grow and branch out and evolve into their next stage of being, we will always believe in them. Always.